Thurs, 11 July 19
Bench: 135x5, 175x5, 205x3, 225x4, 210x3, 200x5, 190x3, 175x5, 165x3, 155x12
CGBP: 95x6, 120x5, 140x3, 140x5, 140x7, 140x4, 140x6, 140x8
Face Pulls: 130x5x15
BB Curls: 95x5x6
Not too bad! I might have had a fifth rep in me for the 225, but with no safeties I don't want to chance it. Four reps is decent though, and I'll keep going. My shoulders feel fine. I added more weight to the face pulls and an extra rep to the curls. I'm definitely seeing activation on the curls and I'm hoping its enough to stimulate growth. Of course, if I was leaner I'd probably look buffer, but meh.
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