Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Broken again. Not sure how bad yet.

29 Jan 20

I've had ongoing issues with pain in the lateral aspect of my left foot, roughly opposite of where my arch begins.  It's become so painful that by the time night rolls around I'm limping around the house making ouchie faces. 

I had hoped the two weeks I took off at Christmas would have given my body a chance to recover.  Especially since I've been babying myself with leg work due to the previous groin pulls.

Anyhow, saw my doctor yesterday and I have to go for an x-ray of the foot.  Hopefully they'll find something so that I can get it fixed.  I hate these mystery injuries where all you can do is wait and see if it goes away.  If it's broken and I need a boot, great.  That sets a timeline and recovery plan.

In the interim I'll do whatever upper body work I can get away with.  It's not my first rodeo, and I know how to work without legs. 

Today was wide and close grip floor presses, seal rows, pull downs, and 1 km of rowing.  (one foot strapped in, the other free) - making it pretty glute driven and quite exhausting.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Lower body - deadlifts

Thurs, 23 Jan 20

Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 335x5, 355x5, 375x2, 390x1, 405x1, 410x0 F

Not bad.  Adjusted the weight a bit but couldn't break 410 off of the floor.  Tried twice, no go.  I might try doing triples or doubles at 375 - say 3 or 4 sets of 2-3 reps.  405 is definitely my current 1RM max though.

Upper body

Thurs, 23 Jan 20

Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 210x5x5
BB Pendlay Row: 135x10, 185x5x10
Decline DB Press: 50x5x10

Went well, but still a fairly 8ish RPE.  I'll keep it another week.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Lower body - squats

Mon, 20 Jan 20

Squats: 135x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x2x5, 275x2x5
Anderson Squats: 315x8, 335x3x8

The squats were supposed to be at 245x5x5, but the RPE felt more like a 7, so I upped them to 265.  I'd say the RPE was still about a 7 so I went for 275.  275 felt like a solid 8-8.5.  Anderson squats were hard but good at 335.  Definitely feeling the pressure on my body when quarter squatting those.

Finished up with 1 km of rowing - took a little over 6 minutes, which is pretty bad, but my shin splints are killing me.  Did a lot of stretching during the session - but it was just pure agony.  I'll keep working on them - I know they'll improve because I was doing 5 km in 10-15 minutes last year.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Upper body - new routine

Thurs, 16 Jan 20

Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 210x5x5
BB Pendlay Row: 135x10, 185x5x10
Decline DB Press: 50x5x10

I am keeping bench the way it is.  Progress is slow and steady.  Today I was able to complete all the bench sets, with an RPE around 8 or 9.  I'll leave it another session. 

I had pretty well maxed out face pulls on the machine and while I was feeling the flyes in my pecs, I didn't feel like I was advancing at all with them.  So I switched to a row for my upper back and decline DB press with hooks for chest.  I had success in the past doing decline DB press - and with the reps per set around 10 I do feel it in my chest.  What I will probably do is work on maxing out the accessories to 15 reps across 5 sets.  Once I do that I'll add weight and drop back to 10 reps - rinse and repeat.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Lower body - deadlifts

Weds, 15 Jan 20

Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 335x5, 355x5, 375x2, 385x1, 395x1, 405x1

Managed to pull the 405 today with a bit of growling.  Growling really makes all the difference some days.  Also, training the lift every week or two may also help.  :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Upper body

Tues, 14 Jan 20

Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 210x4x5, 210x3 F
Face Pulls: 110x5x5
OHP: 95x5, 100x5x5
One Armed Cable Flyes: 55x5x10

Lost tightness at the bottom of the last set of bench press and had to leave it on the safeties.  Face pulls were  easy, so I'll add 5 lbs to them.  OHP can go up by 5 more lbs.  Cable flyes were good where they are at.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Lower body - squats

Mon, 13 Jan 20

Squats: 135x5, 225x5, 245x5x5
Anderson Squats: 315x8,  335x8, 355x4, 345x1

Squats went well.  Short of breath, but good.  I reached a little too far on the Anderson squats.  I should have left them at 335.  After only completing 4 reps at 355 I was too tired to continue on.  Finished up with five minutes of light rowing.  I'm definitely out of shape for rowing.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Upper body

Fri, 10 Jan 20

Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 205x5x5
Face Pulls: 110x5x15
OHP: 95x5, 100x5x5
One Armed Cable Fly: 55x5x10

Upped the weight a bit across the board.  Everything went well.  I think I'll bring the bench up another 5 lbs and leave everything else the same for a session.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Lower body - deadlifts

Thurs, 9 Jan 20

Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 335x5, 355x5, 375x2, 385x1, 395x1, 405xF

Soooooo close.  Couldn't pull 405 off of the floor.  Still dieting though, and I got 19 quality reps.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Upper body

Tues, 7 Jan 20

Bench: 135x2x10, 185x5, 205x5x5
Chins (bw): 4x5
Face pulls: 100x12, 100x3x15
OHP: 95x5x5

Added some weight to the bar today.  The bench was an RPE of 7.  I'll do another session at 205.  OHP was more like a 5.  I'll up the weight by 5 lbs for next session.  BW chins are hard because I am fat lol.

Monday, January 6, 2020


Mon, 6 Jan 20

Squats: 135x5, 225x4x5, 225x7
Anderson Squats: 315x3x8

Kept it simple.  No belt, no wraps, just shoes.  Did an AMRAP set at the end of the squats and some more Anderson's to get accustomed to the load.  Dropped the rack down one notch for each set.

Upper body

Fri, 3 Jan 20

Bench: 135x5, 185x5x5
Rope tricep pulldown: 50x12, 100x3x12
Face Pulls: 100x10, 100x3x12
Plate Pinch: 40x3x100
Farmers Walk (kettlebells): 52.8x3 (3 laps of the gym back and forth, roughly 300 steps)

Went well.  Dropped the weight a bit and 185 felt perfect.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Thurs, 2 Jan 19

Squats: 135x2x5, 225x5x5
Anderson Squats: 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3
Cable Adductor Exercises: 20x5x10

Took it easy today.  Been a few weeks and I had hoped my adductors would feel better, but they still are tender.  I did an easy 5x5 by get a stretch on, then a few Anderson squats to get the feel of being under load.  I worked some light cable adductor exercises into the session using supersets to help with getting blood flow to them.