Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Wed, 30 Sep 15

Deadlifts: 135x5, 235x5, 275x3, 315x2, 350, 370, 390x9x1
OHP: 95x10, 115x5, 135x3, 145x2, 160, 170x5, 179x4
Curls: 50x10, 70x5, 90x5, 90x4
Phew!  Nine reps is a lot.  Needed straps from rep 3 onwards in deadlifts, but used double overhand.

Monday, September 28, 2015


Mon,  28 Sept 15
Bench: 145x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x9x1
Squats: 135x5, 245x5, 280x5, 315x3, 335x2, 350x9x1 

Once again, no time to row.  Even with this small amount I still went a little over an hour to walk to the gym, change, workout, change and head back to the office.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Fri, 25 Sep 15

Deadlifts: 235x5, 275x3, 315x2, 350, 370, 390x8x1
OHP: 95x10, 115x5, 135x3, 145x2, 160, 170x8x1
Curls: 50x10, 70x5, 80x2x5
Took a vacation day. Worked out at home without gear.  Just chalk.  No wraps, belt, shoes, nothing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Wed,  23 Sept 15
Squats: 135x5, 245x5, 280x5, 315x3, 335x2, 350x8x1 
Bench: 145x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x8x1

No time to row, and that was with minimal rests.  Like 30 secs to a minute.  Bench was actually 4, 2,1,1.  I'm not terribly worried since I'm getting a lot of back/upper body pull with deadlifts.  The row is really more for balancing out the bench.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Wed, 16 Sep 15
Deadlifts: 235x5, 275x3, 315x2, 350, 370, 390x7x1
OHP: 95x10, 115x5, 135x3, 145x2, 160, 170x7x1
Curls: 50x10, 70x5, 80x2x5

Used straps for the deadlifts, double overhand.  Hands just felt dry and wasn't getting a good grip. Got distracted showing some newbies how to deadlift a little better.  I was getting stressed watching them bounce and flex their mixed grip at 135. 

Friday, September 18, 2015


Fri, 18 Sept 15
Bench: 145x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x7x1
Rows:  145x10, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x7x1
Squats: 135x5, 245x5, 280x5, 315x3, 335x2, 350x7x1 

That was pretty grueling. Squat racks were all being used when I got to the gym, so started with bench and rows.  Finished up with squats.  My back was feeling pretty blown up by the time I was done, and my right hip/glute was pretty tight on the walk back to the office.  I lived to write about it though.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Wed, 16 Sep 15
Deadlifts: 235x5, 275x3, 315x2, 350, 370, 390x6x1
OHP: 95x10, 115x5, 135x3, 145x2, 160, 170x6x1

Pumps from deadlifts killed my back.  Used straps for the six deadlifts, double overhand.  Hands just felt dry and wasn't getting a good grip.  Anyhow, keep on keeping on.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Squat and row

14 Sep 15
Squats: 135x2x5, 245x2x5, 280x5, 315x3, 335x2, 350x6x1
Rows:  145x2x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x6x1
The gym was pretty busy today and I couldn't get a bench.  The session did take a long time, but that was mostly getting to the gym, getting changed, etc.  Just wasn't full of piss and vinegar today.  I imagine I can safely skip the 6 rep bench and move on to 7.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Thu, 10 Sep 15
Deadlifts: 235x5, 275x3, 315x2, 350, 370, 390x5x1
OHP: 95x5, 115x3, 135x2, 145, 160, 170x5x1
Curls: 50x10, 60x10, 70x3x5

Good session.  Needed straps on last two deadlifts but did them double overhand.  Curls were getting too sloppy so I used the curl bench thingy and did controlled, chest supported ones.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Tues, 8 Sept 15
Squats: 135x2x5, 245x2x5, 280x5, 315x3, 335x2, 350x5x1
Bench: 145x2x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x5x1
Rows:  145x2x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x5x1
Squats felt a little heavy today, but still didn't need the entire 2 mins rest per set.  Was certainly closer to 2 than 1 though.  :) 

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Sun, 6 Sep 15

Deadlifts: 235x5, 275x3, 315x2, 350, 370, 390x4x1
OHP: 95x5, 115x3, 135x2, 145, 160, 170x4x1
Curls: 70x5, 80x5, 90x3x5

Good session, heavy but not too bad.  We'll see as the reps go up.  Must start cardio again.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Fri, 4 Sept 15
Squats: 135x2x5, 245x2x5, 280x5, 315x3, 335x2, 350x4x1
Bench: 145x2x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x4x1
Rows:  145x2x5, 170x5, 190x3, 215x2, 230, 240x4x1
Went well.  Not to say it was too easy, but it was pretty simple.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Thu, 3 Sep 15

Curls: 70x10, 80x5, 90x3x5
Deads: 225x5, 295x2, 325, 340, 355, 370x10
OHP: 95x5, 115x3, 135x2, 145, 155, 165x2x5

Same deal as last time except I bumped it up to 10 reps.  I had to clean the OHP off the floor, so I decided to do 2 sets of 5, rather than burn out doing heavy cleans.  It's funny that I was able to clean 165, because I used to top out around 150 back when I actually did them.

I haven't done cardio since last week as I wasn't sure if I broke a bone in my foot or not.  In addition I got a lump on either side of my lower leg, one with a bruise, both with tenderness.  Not sure what happened there because I don't remember smacking it.