Back in the gym today. A little stiff last week post-workout, but otherwise nothing to report negative.
Upping the weight a bit today.
Squats: 135x50, 175x5, 185x5, 195x5, 205x5
Bench: 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x51
DB Curls: 25x5x10
DB rows: 25x5x10
Just threw in the DB work for my pull movement. Wasn't too bad - the right bicep tendon wasn't thrilled with curls, so I'll keep them low key. The chief goal is to get the big movement numbers back up. Squat is at 50% of where I'd like, but it will take some time to get back up to that 405 again. Bench is going pretty good. Being able to hit 255-275 would be best case. I doubt 315 is in me since I never hit it prior to turning 50 lol.