Thursday, September 12, 2019

nSun Week 2 Day 4 - Squat/Sumo

Thurs, 12 Sept 19

Squats: 135x5, 225x5, 280x5, 315x3, 350x3, 335x3, 315x3, 295x3, 280x5, 260x5, 240x6
Sumo Deadlift: 205x5, 245x5, 285x3, 285x5, 285x7, 285x4, 285x6, 285x8

Squats were heavy today and took the entire workout. No time for T2.  I may move some lower body front quad hypertrophy work to the "rest day" since I take the weekends off to make up for the missed work.

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