Mon, 9 Sept 19
Bench: 155x8, 175x6, 200x3x4, 190x5, 175x6, 165x7, 155x12
Strict OHP: 75x6, 85x5, 100x3, 100x5, 100x7, 100x4, 100x6, 100x8
This session went really well. The weights were heavy enough to be an effort but not grindy. Since it's week 2 that's where I'd hope we'd be. I also did some scapular work with a wide grip pull up position where I basically just use my lats to pull me up a few inches for sets of 12. They really seem to hit the lats nicely. I'll rock some dumbbell curls at home during the evening to finish things up.
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