Monday, April 15, 2019

Upper body and cardio

Mon, 15 Apr 19
DB Incline Bench: 55x4x10
Rope Triceps Press: 70x2x15
Lat Pulldown: 70x3x10
BB Curl: 55x2x10
Floor Press: 135x3x10
DB Row: 55x3x10

Rowing: 500m x 5 with 1 min rest

Today's incline session was prompted by Scott Herman fitness (  I used my DB hooks so my shoulder injury wasn't exacerbated.  Everything else went as expected.  The weight was good on the bench, requiring effort to get the top 3 reps out of each set.  Similarly for each exercise the weight was right at the level required to keep a rep or two in the tank. 

I have to tighten up the diet this week as I did not lose any weight last week.  I do feel my waist is smaller as I am now wearing smaller pants then a few weeks ago, but it really was in my mind, a wasted week.  Part of the issue was I was constipated and really STANK.  So, I loaded up the last half of the week on fiber, adding hundreds of calories to my diet, in order to have a few decent BMs to get rid of the smell.  It did work, and I can now sleep comfortably without worrying about stinking my wife out of the room.  I've changed up my diet accordingly as to avoid the high protein wraps and smoked turkey breast out of my diet for a bit.  I don't know if it was the wraps or not, as they are the only real new thing I added to my diet. (vegetable based protein, maybe causing issues?)

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