Fri, 24 Aug 18
Bench: 135x10, 185x10, 205x5, 215x5, 225x5, 245x3, 255x2, 245x3, 225x2x5
Seated Smith Machine OHP: 50x8x8
Preacher Curls: 40x8x10
Bench went really well. In fact, I'd say the 255 for a double is the heaviest I've benched in quite a while. The high rep sets were brutally pumptastic, despite the low weight. I've been having a hard time hitting the really high reps on those while getting the whole 8 sets, so I figured I'd drop the weight. In between bench sets I did some behind the neck stretches with a 45 lb DB to get a good pull on my lats and serratus. Also did some single arm rows with the same DB after each stretch for sets of 15.
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