Mon, 25 Feb 19
Hack Squats: 135x2x8
Deadlifts: 225x5, 315x5, 345x3, 365x2
Cheat Shrugs: 2x8x225
Scapular Pull up: Assisted x2x8
Wide Upright Rows: 2x8x60
Face Pulls: 60x2x15
I had good intentions but I couldn't get past 365 on the deadlift. I added some supplementary traps work. I kept the weight low as these movements were all new to me.
I could definitely feel my traps by the last set of face pulls. I used a band for the scapular pull up first set, but not the second. It's certainly tricky not to bend your elbows - definitely a test of mind to muscle coordination.
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