Tues, 23 May 17
Squats: 135x10, 225x10. 315x10, 8, 4
Leg Press (plates): 6x3x15
Leg extension: 100x15, 130x15, 160x15, 190x15
Much better session than the upper body one on the weekend. Pushing out 10 reps at 315 was REALLY hard. I knew at the end of that set that it would be a challenge to hit 10 reps again. That being said - I started out with 3x5 3 weeks and 1 day ago. So, that's 15 reps vs 22. The cardio (walked with a little running 7k on the weekend) showed me that even though I *feel* mostly normal, there is some residual crap still going on in my lungs. Breathing was difficult, and I ended up coughing after cardio.
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