I Sat, 4 Oct 14
Squats: 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 300x4, 285x6, 255x7
Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 205x3, 225x2, 235x5, 225x6, 205x8
Curls: 95x3x8
CGBP: 185x4, 165x8, 145x12
Ended the diet at 215.6 lbs and approx 20% Bf. Over the past four weeks that's been a drop of 14.2 lbs and about 8.5% Bf. I've dropped a few inches of fat everywhere. Not sure where to go with a routine right now, so just continuing with the full body workouts, using a RPE and RPT scheme. Basically feel out a four rep max, then reverse pyramid back two sets. That netted me 27 reps in Squats today at a weight enough to stimulate growth. Three times over the week is good growth reps.
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