Monday, December 16, 2019

Upper body - push

Mon, 16 Dec 19

Bench: 135x5, 185x10, 205x5, 225x3(5), 205x5, 185x10
Standing DB Press: 40x7, 35x7, 35x2x10, 
CGBP: 135x10, 135x5
Cable rope overhead tricep extension: 80x4x10

Training has been sporadic.  This is my first upper body push session in 12 days!  Bench was on the hard side, was hoping for 5 reps at 225 but managed 3.  I'm not ready for 40 lb sets in the standing DB press yet.  Triceps went fine, but by the time I got to CGBP my triceps were completely fatigued.  

I finished off the session with a little over 5 minutes of rowing for a distance of 1 km.

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