Friday, November 22, 2019


Fri, 22 Nov 19

Squats: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 295x5, 315x5, 295x5

Warmed up for about 10 minutes and started working on my squats.  I felt good and had no pain.  I was able to maintain decent speed throughout, nothing was grindy.  I ended the session after one backoff set as I felt I had done enough for one day, with 5@30%, 5@64%, 5@68%, 10@73%, and 5@78%. (assuming a current perceived 1RM of 350 lbs).

I was done in about 50 minutes, so it's likely I will have to alternate deadlift days with squats, and perhaps add an accessory on deadlift days if I am done quickly.  (like front squats or something).

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